Friday 30 October 2009

Rich feedback...

Work on the second of our questionnaires was completed, with some great input from the Core Project Team - thanks! In this questionnaire, we'll be seeking to address some of the issues raised in the first survey and identify issues that students are still facing during their initial weeks at Goldsmiths.

Additional demographic analysis has been undertaken on the data from the first questionnaire, breaking down respondents by age & gender, department & level and nationality & level. The analysis shows that all departments are represented and there is a good split between UG & PG and home/international students. The gender split of respondents is in line with the student population as a whole and the age range of respondents suggests a changes to the student population, in line with sector expectations. This now offers us the ability to drill down and target specific groups of students in subsequent surveys. We're still trying to plow through 50,000 words of rich feedback from the open-response fields in the questionnaire.

Geraint returned from his recruitment trip to South America on Wednesday and we met to discuss progress, review the project plan and issue log. We also discussed the agenda for the Core Project Team meeting yesterday, my first as Project Officer here.

Following a chat with Myles, I rang Sue Morrison at Derby to chat about Service Design. Sue was very helpful and gave me plenty to think about and discuss with our Core Project Team.

We had an excellent Core Project Team meeting yesterday where we started delving into the feedback received from our new students.


  1. Glad to hear the Derby connection worked for you. We're putting something bigger together for Service Design support along the lines of our chat at CETIS 09. How did you find that by the way?

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